Thursday, October 7, 2010

Delight in Disorder

The diction used in the poem, "Delight in Disorder," helped create the image the speaker was trying to portray. In the poem, the speaker describes imperfections and disorder to be perfect to them. This opinion is clear in the line, "a cuff neglected, and thereby ribbons to flow confusedly" in which the speaker says that disorder in the woman's clothes pleases him. The broken rhyme scheme in the poem also represents disorder, and strays away from repetiton. Two words I did not know: Wantonness, meaning careless or reckless, and stomacher, richly ornamented garment, also add to the image of a woman dressed in a disorderly manner.

In many cases, this poem can represent the modern world. Disorder is a common theme in the lives of many people today. The style in women's clothing is often disheveled, and the chaotic, busy lives of adults and teenagers represents disorder as well.

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