Thursday, October 7, 2010


I saved the best for last! "Edward." Although this poem is creepy and weird and hard to understand, I found it the most interesting by far. I'm going to start with his mother. When I first glanced at the poem, I felt empathy for his mother. I thought that Edward was an arrogant, violent jerk and his poor mother had to put up with such a terrible son. This is a perfect example of me being incapable of understanding poetry. However, after looking back at the poetry, I realized his mom is the bad guy!! Or...the bad girl? Yeah. Anyway, I understand that his mother convinced him to kill his father so that she may have possession of the property and money, but I do not understand why the son agreed to doing it. My best guess is that he was raised to believe his Father was some sort of monster, or bad guy who made his mother's life miserable. But at the same time, he addresses his father as "dear" and his mother as only "mother." Therefore, he must have had some sort of hint before killing his father that it was wrong. I think I understand majority of the poem, but this little detail still confuses me! Can somebody help me out?

1 comment:

  1. You are hardly incapable of understanding poetry. You AP kids focus too much on what you don't get, when you get about 90% of everything! Buck up!
