Thursday, December 2, 2010

"The Lottery"

According to, a lottery is either:

A.) a gambling game or method of raising money, as for some public charitable purpose, in which a large number of tickets are sold and a drawing is held for certain prizes.


B.) any happening or process that is or appears to be determined by chance

When I first read the title, I expected it to be some sort of happy story about a family or someone who is fortunate enough to win loads of money. However, to my disappointment, I found that instead of being granted money, the lucky chosen one was granted death. Yippee! At first, I would have said that this story was not a lottery because I have become so accustomed to the meaning that society uses today. But in all actuality, this is a perfect title for the story (check out definition #2). Not that I enjoyed the story, because I definitely did not, but it was interesting how the entire town just let this innocent killing take place. I can't say that I would ever choose to read this story again, but I do have to hand it to you, Mr. Costello. You always choose the most bizarre and eccentric stories.

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