Thursday, December 2, 2010

"You're Ugly, Too"

At the end of class yesterday, Mr. Costello, you asked the class to think about how we felt towards Zoe. Personally, I really enjoyed her character. Often times, I do not understand the humor in some of these extremely lame stories. When people point them out in class, I am always surprised because I would have never picked up on the humor by myself. But with this story, I thought there were many lines that I thought to be funny. My favorite is when she is at dinner with the second boyfriend she talks about on page 357.

"I knew a dog who could do that," said Zoe with her mouth full..."It was a Talking Lab, and after about ten minutes of listening to the dinner conversation this dog knew everyone's name..."

She has such a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and I love it. The guy she was on a date with was a total jerk, and she called him out on his poor sense of respect and women. It was hilarious! Also, I really like how blunt and pessimistic she is when she talks to Earl about her opinion on love. Not that I agree with her (because I am a total hopeless romantic), but I really like how brutally honest she is. She wasn't trying to win Earl over with some cheesy show, but she just told him how it was. Straight up. This was probably my favorite story we have read this year.

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