Monday, February 28, 2011

Theme: Dream Deferred

To me, the main theme of the play is listed in one of the first pages, and lies within a poem: a dream deferred. The entire play is based around the dreams of the characters and how they pursue them, or if they come true. Although at times there dreams seem too distant to grasp, each believes that they are capable of achieving it. Just like in real life, there are obstacles that the characters have to overcome, especially with money struggles, but they never completely eliminate the possibility. For example, Walter tells his son, Travis, that one day he will be able to hand over Travis' future and allow him the possibility to choose any at which he could receive an education. Due to their financial problems at the time, the dream seemed unrealistic and impossible. However, Walter kept persistent and towards the end of the play he realized that he could get through the rough times and keep going. Also, in the last scene of the play, Mama goes over to her plant and grabs it before leaving their apartment for the last time. Throughout the play, she describes this plant as herself. In my opinion, the plant was her dream for her family to grow and prosper with a little care and sunlight. By grabbing the plant and taking it with her at the end, Mama believed that there was still a possibility of her dream coming true.

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