Thursday, August 12, 2010

Round of Applause!

"Linda was nine then, as I was, but we were in love. And it was real. When I write about her now, three decades later, it is tempting to dismiss it as a crush, an infatuation of childhood, but I know for a fact that what we felt for each other was as deep and rich as love can ever get," (page 216).

This is the cutest story I have ever heard! I am a hopeless, sappy, romantic I know that for sure, but EVERYONE has to find this story touching. Love is always thought to be a mature feeling, for those who have experienced more in life and are more wise than a child, but why does it have to be restricted to our elders? I bet there are more children in this world that love each other than married couples. Children treat each other with care, excitement, and laughter, when it is very rare to see that sort of affection displayed between two adults. I find Linda to be more of a hero in this story than any of the other men in this book. She battled with something inside herself, her own war, and she lost with dignity. That is a lot to say for a nine-year-old girl.

I do not think that Tim O'Brien could have ended the novel any better. I love the way he portrays stories as another dimension, or another world. It is true. One can escape reality by changing parts, and skipping the endings only to add more. People can live forever in your memories, stories, and dreams, the same way one can be whoever they want to be when telling a story from their own point of view. This book was so much better than The Sun Also Rises, and as much as I am dreading school, I am looking forward to discussing it in class! See ya soon!

1 comment:

  1. cute is not the word I would use, but I understand your point.
