Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Trust Issues

In the chapter "Enemies," Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen act as foils to one another. It surprises me how two people fighting on the same team would WANT to steal from each other and then hospitalize them for doing so. I know that I have no idea what it is like to be in a war, but how will they ever solve problems with the ACTUAL enemies if they cannot resolve issues amongst themselves, first? I find it annoying how immature two men can be when they are dealing with matters much worse than a stolen knife. They are supposed to have each others' backs when they are in battle, but that isn't going to work if they can't trust each other. "But in the morning Lee Strunk couldn't stop laughing. 'The man's crazy,' he said. 'I stole his f*cking jackknife,'" (page 61). This quote urges me to want to punch Strunk in the face! Jensen is obviously worked up about what happened, and feels guilty for hurting Strunk the way he did, and Strunk turns it all into this big joke. After the last line of the chapter, I labeled Lee Strunk as the antihero. I'm not quite sure on how important his role is in the story because I haven't gotten that far yet, but in this chapter he definitely portrays a selfish teammate who lacks any sort of moral scruples. He deserved everything he got!

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