Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ahhhh the Suspense!

I knew there was something fishy going on with Cohn and Brett; always trust your gut. Okay, so now that I know Cohn is trying to get with Brett behind his best pal's back, I dislike him even more. I want to know where Cohn gets the impression that it is a good idea, and why on earth Brett would ever want to go anywhere with Cohn. In all actuality, I should be saying the same thing about Brett, but she's a woman and I give her props. I mean, how often do you see Brett's role being played by a woman? Rarely.

Chapter nine is quite suspenseful. Especially now that Michael and Brett will be joining the men on their fishing trip to Spain. Which leads me to my next conclusion: Brett does not plan, she plots. There is no way that she did not think of every awkward possibility there might be on the expedition. HELLO!? The man she loves will be there, the man she is marrying will be there, and the man she must be "getting it on with" will be there. Actually, I know for a fact she is aware of the consequences. "Don't you think it will be a bit rough on him?" Brett asks Jake concerning Robert (page 89). Now we can look forward to tension between: Jake and Robert, Brett and Robert, Michael and Robert, Michael and Jake, and possibly Brett and Michael. Lucky Bill.

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