Wednesday, November 17, 2010


There are a few mysteries within the story, "Eveline." For one, her mother's death is odd. From what I concluded, or from what I WANTED to conclude in order to make the story more interesting, was that her father killed her mother and brother, Ernest. Throughout the story, Eveline repeatedly refers to her father's violence, leading me to believe that his attitude and violence cause him to kill Eveline's mother. But at the same time, if that were the case, wouldn't Eveline be taken from her father's custody??? Also, Eveline seems worried to get married, but I do not understand what she is worried about. Her life is being threatened at home, and she admits that there is "no one to protect her now." She even says that after she moves and she is married that people will begin to treat her with respect, and not with the manner they treated her mother. SO WHAT IS SHE WAITING FOR??? Finally, in the last paragraph of the story, I assumed that she had not gone with him because she "clutched the iron in frenzy." The last line says that she showed him no sign of love or farewell or recogonition, BUT WHY!? She has been surrounded by hatred and violence her entire life, so why can she not show love towards someone who shows love to her?? She is so confusing and backwards.

1 comment:

  1. are correct that they hint at possible abuse from the father, maybe even physical abuse....but I think the murder plot may be outside the cone zone...I guess you even say in your blog that you might be reaching for something that's not there.
