Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Once Upon a Time"

This story was odd and scary. Often times, this story is how I picture the future. Last night, I watched the movie Bicentennial Man which has a setting in the future. There were definitely resemblances between this story and the movie, both of which worried me. I do not want the future to be so technological and soley based on making sure things are perfect. The family in the story wants the ultimate protection for their kids, disregarding the fact that what they are doing can actually injure the child itself. In the movie, they hire this robot to do many activities in the household. But, how are children supposed to learn chores if they have someone to do it for them?? Sometimes, mistakes and danger need to be present in order for people to learn and grow, and I am afraid that it will be near impossible to make those kind of mistakes in the future. I don't want my kids to think like robots, or never be concerned about things because they have been so protected their entire lives! Also, if this was a children's story that the narrator was dreaming up while lying in bed, it is terrible. What kind of childrens' story talks about thieves and how to escape them??? Moreover, what kind of childrens' story ends in a child getting tangled in wire!?

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